This is a gem of a book. It has a pretty cover and the small size makes it perfect for my little wizened monkey paws to clutch. Todhunter details a memorable dinner at the legendary three-starTaillevent restaurant in Paris. That's right - a whole book about one meal! Read it on a full stomach or his mouthwatering descriptions of each course will have you running to the kitchen for an unsavoury microwaved snack. Todhunter also apprenticed at Taillevent so he's able to give us the lowdown on how that kitchen operates. His digressions are interesting. He describes how his father badgered him for leaving a toy outside and how, to this day, he cringes slightly when he sees a bicycle or other toy abandoned in a yard. Somehow it all fits together beautifully and we get to know a lot about Todhunter in the process. Read it - it's delicious!
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