Monday, August 26, 2024

On International Dog Day

Georgia O’Keeffe with Chow, 1975 (Photo by Juan Hamilton, via Georgia O'Keeffe Museum)

When the two weeks were up, there was a very very slight movement in the tail almost nothing. So again I called the vet. As he looked the dog over, he said that it would be hard for the dog to drag those legs always. You were there. We talked a little and decided to put him to sleep and call it his end. He had had a good life. He looked so beautiful as he sat there with us. When I think of it now I even get an odd feeling in my stomach. He was given a shot and lay quietly down. He was put in the back of the car.

It was all that a man could do to lift him in.

We drove out into the White Hills—dug a hole under a small sized cedar bush and put my beautiful dog into it and covered him with earth and many rocks. I like to think that probably he goes running and leaping through the White Hills alone in the night.

Georgia O’Keeffe
Letter to Todd Webb
20th November 1981

via Letters of Note newsletter

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