Monday, June 19, 2006

My Promise to You: I Respect Your Intelligence

Ed got the drop on me. I'm busted. He wilted under the harsh spotlights, billy clubs, and genitally-placed electrodes of John Freeman's Amazon link expose and he ratted us all out. Now, the grifters of the Lit Blog Cartel are all on the run, hiding in the shadows and safe houses of the book world. Trust me, the stool pigeon who will forever be known as Ed The Rat, will be handled in good time. Someday in the near future, a fisherman trawling along the coast of San Francisco will hook onto a heavy object. Divers will make the grisly discovery of The Rat himself, sleeping with the fishes, with a full set of Proust's Rememberance of Things Past strapped to his legs.

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