Friday, August 17, 2012

Charles Altamont Doyle

Charles Altamont Doyle and six-year-old Arthur Conan Doyle, 1865. This is one of only two
photographs of Charles known to exist.

Charles Doyle was a gifted artist, a tormented soul, and father to a famous son who tried to aid him. In 1889, during his incarceration at the Montrose Royal Lunatic Asylum, Charles put together an album of drawings and watercolors that was rediscovered in 1977 by Michael Baker and published as The Doyle Diary: The Last Great Conan Doyle Mystery (now out of print).

Montrose Asylum as painted by Charles Doyle. [Doyle Diary]

Take the time to read the whole post at Shrine of Dreams. It's an interesting story.

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