Thursday, May 05, 2016

I have not shot her yet

In 1927, after her first collection of poetry Enough Rope was published Dorothy Parker, found herself in hospital suffering from exhaustion.  On May 5th, she wrote a humorous letter to her American publisher Seward Collins and gave him an entertaining update on her visit.

The Presbyterian Hospital
In the City of New York
41 East 70th St.
May 5, I think

Dear Seward, honest, what with music lessons and four attacks of measles and all that expense of having my teeth straightened, I was brought up more carefully than to write letters in pencil. But I asked the nurse for some ink—just asked her in a nice way—and she left the room and hasn't been heard of from that day to this. So that, my dears, is how I met Major (later General) Grant.

Maybe only the trusties are allowed to play with ink.
Read the letter: Letters of Note

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