Monday, January 09, 2017

In Her Wake

This psychological thriller by Amanda Jennings begins with Bella returning to her family home when her mother dies. She is understandably distraught but more tragic events ensue and her life as she knows it is turned upside down. She learns that everything she thought she knew about herself and her family is fiction and suddenly her mother's neurotic over-protectiveness makes sense. The devastating revelation takes Bella to Cornwall where she attempts to uncover the truth about her stolen childhood. It's a painful process, one that makes her question the meaning of family and the dependent, strait-jacketed life she had been leading. Will the truth set her free or will it destroy her? The female characters have great depth and believability (the males are more one-dimensional) and there are plenty of interesting plot twists. It's an emotional story about devastating loss and the power of secrets that stayed with me for days after I finished it.

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