Saturday, February 01, 2025

Descriptions Of Things And Atmosphere - F. Scott Fitzgerald

    These descriptions taken from the notebooks of F. Scott Fitzgerald are a testament to his enormous talent:
  • “The island floated, a boat becalmed, upon the almost perceptible curve of the world.”
  • “The first lights of the evening were springing into pale existence. The Ferris wheel, pricked out now in lights, revolved leisurely through the dusk; a few empty cars of the roller coaster rattled overhead.”
  • “Farther out in the water there were other lights where a fleet of slender yachts rode the tide with slow dignity, and farther still a full ripe moon made the water bosom into a polished dancing floor.”
  • “It was a cup of a lake with lily pads for dregs and a smooth surface of green cream.”
  • “A region of those monotonous apartment rows that embody the true depths of the city — darkly mysterious at night, drab in the afternoon.”
  • “Spring came sliding up the mountain in wedges and spear points of green.”

via  Futility Closet

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